Monday 25 January 2010

Birthday feelings

At Popstarz for my birthday party, click for a Spotify playlist

So I'm another year older today. It always takes me by surprise, but it's a great time to look back over the last few years. What with the new year and my birthday, January is often a month of planning and looking back for me.

But this year I realised it's not about looking back at what I've achieved. My birthday is not a time to look back and regret missed opportunities, or congratulate myself on my own achievements. Rather it's a fabulous opportunity to realise just how many things I have to be grateful for.

I was out on Friday night with the most wonderful group of people, from friends I've known for many years to those I've met in the last few months. It made me get a little bit soppy to think about the number of people I have in my life who I really value.

To anyone not celebrating my birthday, happy Burns Night / Virginia Woolf's birthday / whatever you are celebrating!

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